BigBang Offer Information

Bigbang Wallet is a virtual currency purse. You can use it as a source for When you purchase a product from the Lotus Website.

Bigbang Wallet contains:

- Bigbang Cash: This amount is accumulated by accepting when you purchase a product. This amount has no expiration date.
- Its balance available according to product price in Bigbang Wallet.
This amount is accumulated by accepting when you purchase a product. This amount has no expiration date.
Bigbang Cash: Would never expire
Here are all Big Bang Services are - shopping ,recharge , booking , bill payments and Big Bang Self Blocks.
You can not withdraw balance from your Bigbang Wallet to your bank account. It can only be used for shopping ,recharge , booking , bill payments and Big Bang Self Blocks at Lotus.
Lotus Bigbang Wallet balance can't be used outside Lotus. It can only be used on Lotus site/app to recharge,shopping,booking , bill payments and Big Bang Self Blocks.
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